Earned Premium [Federal Crop Insurance Corporation] Law and Legal Definition
According to 7 CFR 400.302 [Title 7—Agriculture; Subtitle B -- Regulations of the Department of Agriculture; Chapter IV -- Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Department of Agriculture; Part 400 -- General Administrative Regulations; Subpart O -- Non-Standard Underwriting Classification System Regulations for the 1991 and Succeeding Crop Years], earned premium means “premium earned (both the amount subsidized and the amount paid by the producer, but excluding any amount of the subsidy attributed to the operating and administrative expenses of the insurance provider) for a crop under a policy insured or reinsured by the Corporation. Earned premium rate means “premium earned divided by liability and expressed as a percentage.”
Legal Definition list
- Earned Premium [Federal Crop Insurance Corporation]
- Earned Premium
- Earned Land
- Earned Income Tax Credit
- Earned Income Credit [EIC]
- Earned Surplus
- Earned Time
- Earned Value Management System
- Earnest Money
- Earnest Payment
- Earning Capacity
Related Legal Terms
- Accelerated Life Insurance Benefits
- Accident Insurance
- Accidental Death and Dismemberment [Insurance]
- Accommodation Line [Insurance]
- Accompanying the Federal Government Outside the United States
- Accountants Professional Liability Insurance
- Accounts Receivable Insurance
- Active Voters [Federal Elections]
- Actual Cash Value Insurance
- Actual Delivery of Insurance Policy