Educational Neglect Law and Legal Definition
Educational neglect is defined as parents failing to ensure that their children are provided an education consistent with standards adopted by the state. Some acts which are considered educational neglect include failure to enrol or register the child in school, inattention to special education needs, and allowing chronic truancy.
The Department of Children and Families in Connecticut defines it in the following statement:
"Educational neglect occurs when a parent of a child , age seven through fifteen, interferes with the ability of the child to receive proper care and attention educationally.
Proper care and attention educationally is the consistent receipt of a program of educational services provided by a Local Education Agency (LEA) or by an approved private school or through home instruction in accordance with state Department of Education procedures."
Legal Definition list
- Educational Institution
- Educational Functioning Levels [Education]
- Educational Facilities
- Educational Corporation
- Educational and General Expenditures
- Educational Neglect
- Educational Program [Education]
- Educational Programs Abroad
- Educational Purposes
- Educational Resources Information Center [ERIC]
- Educational Service Agency
Related Legal Terms
- Accredited Educational Institution
- American Educational Research Association [AERA]
- Animal Neglect
- Bona Fide Educational Service
- Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs [ECA] [Department of State]
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Child Neglect
- Coeducational
- Complementary Educational Facilities
- Cooperative Service Organizations of Operating Educational Organizations