Effective Kilograms of Special Nuclear Material [Energy] Law and Legal Definition
According to 10 CFR 74.4 [Title 10 – Energy; Chapter I -- Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Part 74 -- Material Control and Accounting of Special Nuclear Material; Subpart A -- General Provisions] the term effective kilograms of special nuclear material means:
“(1) For plutonium and uranium-233 their weight in kilograms;
(2) For uranium with an enrichment in the isotope U235 of 0.01 (1 percent) and above, its element weight in kilograms multiplied by the square of its enrichment expressed as a decimal weight fraction; and
(3) For uranium with an enrichment in the isotope U235 below 0.01 (1 percent), its element weight in kilograms multiplied by 0.0001.”