Electronic Product Radiation Control Act Law and Legal Definition
The Electronic Product Radiation Control Act (“Act”) is a federal legislation that regulates the emissions of and the exposure of people to, unnecessary electronic product radiation. The Act obligates the Secretary of Commerce (“Secretary”) maintains liaison with and receive information from other federal and state departments and agencies with related interests, professional organizations, industry, industry and labor associations, and other organizations on present and future potential electronic product radiation. In addition, the Act also helps in developing, testing, and evaluating the effectiveness of procedures and techniques for minimizing exposure to electronic product radiation.
The following are the powers of the Secretary:
1.Collecting and making available, through publications and other appropriate means, the results of, and other information concerning, research and studies relating to the nature and extent of the hazards and control of electronic product radiation; and
2. Making such recommendations relating to such hazards and control as s/he considers appropriate;
3.Making grants to public and private agencies, organizations, and institutions, and to individuals.
The main objective of the Act is to protect the public from hazardous and unnecessary exposure to radiation from electronic products. The following are some examples of electronic products:1.Medical: diagnostic x-ray or ultrasound imaging devices, microwave or ultrasound diathermy devices;
2.Non-medical: microwave ovens, televisions receivers and monitors (video displays), entertainment lasers.
Legal Definition list
- Electronic Product Radiation
- Electronic Product
- Electronic Preparation [Tax Law]
- Electronic Payment
- Electronic Passport
- Electronic Product Radiation Control Act
- Electronic Reading Room [Aeronautics and Space]
- Electronic Receiving and Picture Tubes
- Electronic Record
- Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS)
- Electronic Return Originator (ERO)