Eligible Lender [Energy] Law and Legal Definition
According to 10 CFR 609.2 [Title 10 Energy; Chapter II Department of Energy; Subchapter H Assistance Regulations; Part 609 Loan Guarantees for Projects that Employ Innovative Technologies], eligible lender means:
“(1) Any person or legal entity formed for the purpose of, or engaged in the business of, lending money, including, but not limited to, commercial banks, savings and loan institutions, insurance companies, factoring companies, investment banks, institutional investors, venture capital investment companies, trusts, or other entities designated as trustees or agents acting on behalf of bondholders or other lenders; and
(2) Any person or legal entity that meets the requirements of § 609.11 of this part, as determined by DOE; or
(3) The Federal Financing Bank.”
Legal Definition list
- Eligible Lender [Energy]
- Eligible Lender (Health Care)
- Eligible Land
- Eligible Investor
- Eligible Insured Depository Institution
- Eligible Local Educational Agency [Education]
- Eligible Local Partnership [Education]
- Eligible Locations for Smart Growth
- Eligible Mortgage
- Eligible Non-Degree Granting Institution [Education]
- Eligible Non-Subscription Transmission