Employee of the Government Law and Legal Definition
According to 28 USCS § 2671[Title 28. Judiciary and Judicial Procedure Part VI. Particular Proceedings Chapter 171. Tort Claims Procedure]"Employee of the government" includes “(1) officers or employees of any federal agency, members of the military or naval forces of the United States, members of the National Guard while engaged in training or duty under section 115, 316, 502, 503, 504, or 505 of title 32 [32 USCS § 115, 316, 502, 503, 504, or 505], and persons acting on behalf of a federal agency in an official capacity, temporarily or permanently in the service of the United States, whether with or without compensation, and (2) any officer or employee of a Federal public defender organization, except when such officer or employee performs professional services in the course of providing representation under section 3006A of title 18 [18 USCS § 3006A].”
Legal Definition list
- Employee of a Church or a Convention or Association of Churches
- Employee Motivation
- Employee Manuals
- Employee Liability Exclusion
- Employee Leasing Programs
- Employee of the Government
- Employee of the House of Representatives
- Employee of the Office of the Architect of the Capitol
- Employee of the Senate
- Employee Organization
- Employee Performance Appraisals