Energy Audit Law and Legal Definition
According to 10 CFR 420.2 [Title 10 – Energy; Chapter II -- Department of Energy; Subchapter D -- Energy Conservation; Part 420 -- State Energy Program; Subpart A -- General Provisions for State Energy Program Financial Assistance], the term energy audit means “any process which identifies and specifies the energy and cost savings which are likely to be realized through the purchase and installation of particular energy efficiency measures or renewable energy measures.”
According to 10 CFR 436.31 [Title 10 Energy; Chapter II -- Department of Energy; Subchapter D Energy Conservation; Part 436 Federal Energy Management and Planning Programs; Subpart B Methods and Procedures for Energy Savings Performance Contracting], the term annual energy audit means “a procedure including, but not limited to, verification of the achievement of energy cost savings and energy unit savings guaranteed resulting from implementation of energy conservation measures and determination of whether an adjustment to the energy baseline is justified by conditions beyond the contractor's control.”
According to 10 CFR 455.2 [Title 10 Energy; Chapter II Department of Energy; Subchapter D Energy Conservation; Part 455 -- Grant Programs for Schools and Hospitals and Buildings Owned by Units of Local Government and Public Care Institutions; Subpart A General Provisions], the term energy audit means a determination of the energy consumption characteristics of a building which:
(1) Identifies the type, size, and rate of energy consumption of such building and the major energy-using systems of such building;
(2) Determines appropriate energy conservation maintenance and operating procedures;
(3) Indicates the need, if any, for the acquisition and installation of energy conservation measures; and
(4) If paid for with financial assistance under this part, complies with 10 CFR 450.43.