Error of Judgment Rule / Judgmental Immunity Law and Legal Definition
Error of judgment rule is a legal doctrine that says that a professional is not liable to a client for advice or an opinion given in good faith and with an honest belief that the advice was in the client's best interests, even if it was based on a mistake either in judgment or in analyzing an unsettled area of the professional's business. However this doctrine does not provide absolute immunity from prosecution and is not an absolute defense to lawyer malpractice. If the attorney's judgment was one that a reasonably competent attorney would not come to, the attorney can be held liable for failing to exercise a "reasonable degree of care or skill in representing his client.” This is also referred to as judgmental immunity.
Legal Definition list
- Error Nominis
- Error in Quantitate
- Error in Qualitate
- Error in Negotio
- Error in Corpore
- Error of Judgment Rule / Judgmental Immunity
- Error Resolution(Banking)
- Errors and Omissions Insurance
- Escalator Clause
- Escape
- Escape Clause