Estate Planning Service Firm [HUD] Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 24 CFR 206.3 [Title 24 Housing and Urban Development; Subtitle B Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban Development; Chapter II Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing Federal Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development; Subchapter B Mortgage and Loan Insurance Programs under National Housing Act and Other Authorities; Part 206 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance; Subpart A General], the term Estate Planning Service Firm means “an individual or entity that is not a mortgagee approved under part 202 of this chapter or a housing counseling agency approved under § 206.41 and that charges a fee that is:
(1) Contingent on the homeowner obtaining a mortgage loan under this part, except the origination fee authorized by § 206.31 or a fee specifically authorized by the Secretary; or
(2) For information that homeowners must receive under § 206.41, except a fee by:
(i) A housing counseling agency approved under § 206.41; or
(ii) An individual or company, such as an attorney or accountant, in the bona fide business of generally providing tax or other legal or financial advice; or
(3) For other services that the provider of the services represents are, in whole or in part, for the purpose of improving an elderly homeowner's access to mortgages covered by this part, except where the fee is for services specifically authorized by the Secretary.”
Legal Definition list
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