Extrinsic Fraud Law and Legal Definition
Extrinsic fraud refers to a type of fraud that prevents a person from knowing their rights. This type of fraud rejects a person fair opportunity of presenting a trial. Usually, this type of fraud induces a person not to present a case in a court and also it may deprive a person from his/her opportunity of being heard.
Following is an example of a case defining extrinsic fraud:
Extrinsic fraud has been defined to be 'actual fraud, such that there is on the part of the person chargeable with it malus animus, the mala mens, putting itself in motion and acting in order to take an undue advantage of some other person for the purpose of actually and knowingly defrauding him. [Continental Nat'l Bank v. Holland Banking Co., 66 F.2d 823, 830 (8th Cir. 1933)].