Facta Sunt Potentiora Verbis Law and Legal Definition
Facta sunt potentiora verbis is a Latin maxim that means facts are more powerful than words. It also means deeds are powerful than words. This includes a fact in evidence, which is generally the central or primary fact upon which a controversy can be decided. Deeds can express more clearly than words the intention of a person. Courts take into consideration the facts, deeds, or action of a person than the words of the person.
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- Constitutiones Tempore Posteriores Potiores Sunt His Quae Ipas Praecesserunt
- Duo Non Possunt In Solido Unam Rem Possidere
- Expressa Non Prosunt Quae Non Expressa Proderunt
- Generalia Sunt Praeponenda Singularibus
- Nobiles Sunt Qui Arma Gentilitia Antecessorum Suorum Proferre Possunt
- Non Omnium Quae A Majoribus Nostris Constituta Sunt Ratio Reddi Potest
- Non Refert An Quis Assensum Suum Praefert Verbis, An Rebus Ipsis Et Factis
- Non Refert Verbis An Factis Fit Revocatio
- Omissio Eorum Quae Tacite Insunt Nihil Operatur