Fair Housing Enforcement Organization [HUD] Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 24 CFR 125.103 [Title 24 Housing and Urban Development; Subtitle B Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban Development; Chapter I Office of Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity, Department of Housing and Urban Development; Subchapter A Fair Housing; Part 125 Fair Housing Initiatives Program], the term Fair Housing Enforcement Organization (FHO) means “any organization, whether or not it is solely engaged in fair housing enforcement activities, that --
(1) Is organized as a private, tax-exempt, nonprofit, charitable organization;
(2) Is currently engaged in complaint intake, complaint investigation, testing for fair housing violations and enforcement of meritorious claims; and
(3) Upon the receipt of FHIP funds will continue to be engaged in complaint intake, complaint investigation, testing for fair housing violations and enforcement of meritorious claims.”
Meritorious Claims [HUD]Pursuant to 24 CFR 125.103 [Title 24 Housing and Urban Development; Subtitle B Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban Development; Chapter I Office of Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity, Department of Housing and Urban Development; Subchapter A Fair Housing; Part 125 Fair Housing Initiatives Program], the term Meritorious Claims means “enforcement activities by an organization that resulted in lawsuits, consent decrees, legal settlements, HUD and/or substantially equivalent agency (under 24 CFR 115.6) conciliations and organization initiated settlements with the outcome of monetary awards for compensatory and/or punitive damages to plaintiffs or complaining parties, or other affirmative relief, including the provision of housing.”