Federal Financial Assistance [Education] Law and Legal Definition
According to 34 CFR 100.13 (f) [Title 34 – Education; Subtitle B -- Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education; Chapter I -- Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education; Part 100 -- Nondiscrimination Under Programs Receiving Federal Assistance Through the Department of Education Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964], the term Federal financial assistance “includes (1) grants and loans of Federal funds, (2) the grant or donation of Federal property and interests in property, (3) the detail of Federal personnel, (4) the sale and lease of, and the permission to use (on other than a casual or transient basis), Federal property or any interest in such property without consideration or at a nominal consideration, or at a consideration which is reduced for the purpose of assisting the recipient, or in recognition of the public interest to be served by such sale or lease to the recipient, and (5) any Federal agreement, arrangement, or other contract which has as one of its purposes the provision of assistance.”
Legal Definition list
- Federal Financial Assistance [Education]
- Federal Financial Assistance
- Federal Farm Loan Act
- Federal Farm Credit Bank
- Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Programs [Education]
- Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
- Federal Financial Institutions Regulatory Agencies [Banks & Banking]
- Federal Financing Bank
- Federal Financing Bank [FFB]
- Federal Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax
- Federal Fishery Management Plan
Related Legal Terms
- 504 Plan [Education]
- Abrogation [Education]
- Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) Program [Education]
- Academic Department [Education]
- Academic Field [Education]
- Academy of Financial Divorce Practitioners
- Accompanying the Federal Government Outside the United States
- Accreditation (Education)
- Accredited Educational Institution
- Accrediting Agency [Education]