Federal Poverty Level [FPL] Law and Legal Definition
Federal Poverty Level (FPL) refers to the income level reference used by the federal government in eligibility determinations for certain means-tested benefit programs. It is the set minimum amount of income that a family needs for food, clothing, transportation, shelter and other necessities. In the U.S., FPL is determined by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Legal Definition list
- Federal Poverty Level [FPL]
- Federal Port Controller
- Federal PLUS Program [Education]
- Federal Plant Pest Act
- Federal Perkins Loan Program [Education]
- Federal Power Act
- Federal Power Commission [FPC]
- Federal Power Marketing Administration
- Federal Power Marketing Agency
- Federal Preservation Officer
- Federal Prison
Related Legal Terms
- Absolute Poverty
- Acceptable Level of Academic Standing
- Acceptable Quality Level [Agricultural Marketing Service]
- Accompanying the Federal Government Outside the United States
- Action Levels (Environmental Law)
- Active Voters [Federal Elections]
- Actuarial Documents [Federal Crop Insurance Corporation]
- Actuarially Appropriate [Federal Crop Insurance Corporation]
- Administrative Committee of the Federal Register
- Administrative Governor [Federal Reserve System]