Federal Private Sector Mandate Law and Legal Definition
The term "Federal private sector mandate" means “any provision in legislation, statute, or regulation that--
(A) would impose an enforceable duty upon the private sector except--
(i) a condition of Federal assistance; or
(ii) a duty arising from participation in a voluntary Federal program; or
(B) would reduce or eliminate the amount of authorization of appropriations for Federal financial assistance that will be provided to the private sector for the purposes of ensuring compliance with such duty.” (2 USCS § 658)
Legal Definition list
- Federal Prison Industries, Inc. [FPI]
- Federal Prison
- Federal Preservation Officer
- Federal Power Marketing Agency
- Federal Power Marketing Administration
- Federal Private Sector Mandate
- Federal Probation Service
- Federal Property
- Federal Public Defender Organization
- Federal Question
- Federal Question Jurisdiction
Related Legal Terms
- Accompanying the Federal Government Outside the United States
- Active Voters [Federal Elections]
- Actuarial Documents [Federal Crop Insurance Corporation]
- Actuarially Appropriate [Federal Crop Insurance Corporation]
- Administrative Committee of the Federal Register
- Administrative Governor [Federal Reserve System]
- Advisory Councils of Federal Reserve System
- Agent [Federal Elections]
- Aggregate Federal Share of Compensation
- Allotment from Federal Employee