Federal-Related Dry Short Tons of Byproduct Material Law and Legal Definition
According to 10 CFR 765.3 [Title 10 Energy; Chapter III Department of Energy; Part 765 Reimbursement for Costs of Remedial Action at Active Uranium and Thorium Processing Sites; Subpart A -- General], Federal-related dry short tons of byproduct material means “dry short tons of byproduct material that was present at an active uranium or thorium processing site on October 24, 1992, and was generated as an incident of uranium or thorium sales to the United States.”
Legal Definition list
- Federal-Juvenile-Delinquency Jurisdiction
- Federal-Aid Highway Program
- Federal Youth Corrections Act
- Federal Works Administrator
- Federal Work Study Program
- Federal-Related Dry Short Tons of Byproduct Material
- Federal-State Inspection Agency
- Federal/State EBT Program
- Federalism
- Federalist Papers
- Federally Assisted Construction Contract