FIEF Law and Legal Definition
Fief originated from the French word feu. In feudal system, it is the land granted to a vassal by his lord in exchange for his services. The fief includes land and labor of peasants who were bound to cultivate it. The income it provided supported the vassal, who fought for his lord. Dignities, offices, and money rents were also given in fief. It is also called as feoff or feud.
There are different kinds of fief’s. For example,
1. Fief De Bursa is a fee paid by Kings for military service to their vassals.
2. Fief De Camera is the revenues of the Royal chamber.
3. Fief De Francum is a free fief, exempted from some or all service to the King.
4. Fief De Ligium is land held from the lord who came first in any obligations.