Finding of No Significant Impact [Agriculture] Law and Legal Definition
According to 7 CFR 650.4 [Title 7 – Agriculture; Subtitle B -- Regulations of the Department of Agriculture; Chapter VI -- Natural Resources Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture; Subchapter D -- Long Term Contracting; Part 650 -- Compliance With NEPA; Subpart A -- Procedures For SCS-Assisted Programs], finding of no significant impact (FNSI) means “a document by a Federal agency briefly presenting the reasons why an action not otherwise excluded (§ 1508.4) will not have a significant effect on the human environment, and an environmental impact statement therefore will not be prepared. It shall include the environmental assessment or a summary of it and shall note any other environmental documents related to it (§ 1501.7(a)(5)). If the assessment is included, the finding need not repeat any of the discussion in the assessment but may incorporate it by reference.”
Legal Definition list
- Finding of No Significant Impact [Agriculture]
- Finding of No Significant Impact ( FONSI)
- Finding of Discrimination
- Finding
- Finder's Fee
- Finding of Research Misconduct
- Findings of Fact
- Findings of Law
- FindYouthInfo
- Fine
- Fine Sur Concessit