Foreign Offshore Unit Law and Legal Definition
According to 33 USCS § 2701 (10), foreign offshore unit means “a facility which is located, in whole or in part, in the territorial sea or on the continental shelf of a foreign country and which is or was used for one or more of the following purposes: exploring for, drilling for, producing, storing, handling, transferring, processing, or transporting oil produced from the seabed beneath the foreign country's territorial sea or from the foreign country's continental shelf.”
Legal Definition list
- Foreign Nonmain Proceeding ( Bankruptcy)
- Foreign Nonbank Financial Company [Banks & Banking]
- Foreign Nexus
- Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act
- Foreign Motor Carrier
- Foreign Offshore Unit
- Foreign Option
- Foreign Person
- Foreign Personal Holding Company
- Foreign Personal Representative
- Foreign Political Party
Related Legal Terms
- Absolute Immunity
- Accompanying the Armed Forces outside the United States
- Accompanying the Federal Government Outside the United States
- Accumulation Unit
- Administrative Conference of the United States
- Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO)
- Administratively Separate Unit
- Adoption Record [Foreign Relations]
- Adoption Service [Foreign Relations]
- Affect Interstate And Foreign Commerce