Forensic Document Examiner Law and Legal Definition
A forensic document examiner refers to a person who studies all aspects of a document to determine its authenticity, origin, handwriting, photocopies, inks and papers.
A forensic document examiner is intimately linked to the legal system as a forensic scientist. A Forensic Document Examiner must have a sound basic education through the baccalaureate degree. The typical training period is two years of study and practical experience in an established questioned documents laboratory where the examiner trainee studies the basic literature, completes study projects, becomes familiar with the role of forensic sciences in general and questioned documents in particular as they relate to the legal system.
Legal Definition list
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- American Academy of Forensic Sciences [AAFS]
- American Board of Forensic Anthropology
- American Board of Forensic Odontology
- American Board of Forensic Psychology
- American Board of Forensic Toxicology [ABFT]
- American College of Forensic Examiners International [ACFEI]
- American Forensic Association