Forest Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 25 USCS § 3103 (2) [Title 25. Indians; Chapter 33. National Indian Forest Resources Management], the term forest means “an ecosystem of at least one acre in size, including timberland and woodland, which--
(A) is characterized by a more or less dense and extensive tree cover,
(B) contains, or once contained, at least ten percent tree crown cover, and
(C) is not developed or planned for exclusive nonforest use.”
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Assisa De Foresta
- Bureau of Forestry
- Commercial Forest Land
- Cooperating Forestry Schools
- Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act
- Developing Country with a Tropical Forest
- Dry Forest and Woodland Ecosystem
- Federally Owned or Administered Forest Land
- Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act
- Forest Development Roads And Trails