FSA Law and Legal Definition
FSA is the abbreviation for the Farm Service Agency. The FSA is a component of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The FSA is tasked with the responsibility of implementing farm conservation and regulation laws all across the United States. The FSA serves all farmers, ranchers, and agricultural partners through the delivery of effective, efficient agricultural programs for all Americans.
The FSA has diverse and multi-talented work force, devoted to achieving an economically and environmentally sound future for American Agriculture. The organizational structure of FSA is laid out by Congress and overseen by the secretary of agriculture. The FSA administrator reports to an undersecretary of agriculture for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services. The Farm Service Agency's national administrative functions are managed in Washington, D.C. Computational and statistical work is done in Kansas City.
The following is an example of a federal regulation defining the term:
According to 7 CFR 12.2, FSA means the Farm Service Agency, an agency of USDA which is generally responsible for administering commodity production adjustment and certain conservation programs of USDA.