Legal Proceeding Law and Legal Definition
According to 5 CFR 295.103 [Title 5 -- Administrative Personnel; Chapter I -- Office of Personnel Management], legal proceeding means “any matter before a court of law, administrative board or tribunal, commission, administrative law judge, hearing officer, or other body that conducts a legal or administrative proceeding. Legal proceeding includes all phases of litigation.”
According to 37 CFR 104.1 [Title 37 -- Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights; Chapter I -- United States Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Commerce; Subchapter B – Administration; Part 104 -- Legal Processes; Subpart A -- General Provisions] the term legal proceeding means “any pretrial, trial, and posttrial stages of existing or reasonably anticipated judicial or administrative actions, hearings, investigations, or similar proceedings before courts, commissions, boards or other tribunals, foreign or domestic. This phrase includes all phases of discovery as well as responses to formal or informal requests by attorneys or others involved in legal proceedings.”