Legalized Alien Law and Legal Definition
Legalized aliens are certain illegal aliens who were eligible to apply for temporary resident status under the legalization provision of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986[8 CFR 245a.2]. To be eligible for legalization, aliens must have continuously resided in the United States in an unlawful status since January 1, 1982. Eligible applicants should not be excludable, and must have entered the United States either 1) illegally before January 1, 1982, or 2) as temporary visitors before January 1, 1982, with their authorized stay expiring before that date or with the Government's knowledge of their unlawful status before that date.
Legalization consists of two stages-temporary and then permanent residency. In order to adjust to permanent status aliens must have had continuous residence in the United States, be admissible as an immigrant, and demonstrate at least a minimal understanding and knowledge of the English language and U.S. history and government.
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Alien
- Alien Absconder
- Alien and Sedition Acts
- Alien Documentation, Identification and Telecommunications Card
- Alien Documentation, Identification and Telecommunications System
- Alien Employees
- Alien Registration Act
- Alien Registration Receipt Card
- Alien Son or Daughter
- Alien Species Prevention and Enforcement Act of 1992