Legislative Agent Law and Legal Definition
A legislative agent refers to an individual who is engaged during at least a portion of his/her time to lobby as one of his/her official responsibilities or in lobbying activities as a legislative liaison of an association, coalition, or public interest entity formed for the purpose of promoting or otherwise influencing legislation.
The following is an example of a state law on legislative agent:
A legislative agent does not include a person:
a. who limits his/her lobbying activities to appearing before public meetings of legislative committees, subcommittees, or task forces, or public hearings or meetings of public agencies;
b. a private citizen who receives no compensation for lobbying and who expresses a personal opinion; or
c. a public servant acting in his fiduciary capacity as a representative of his agency, college, university, or city, county, urban-county, or charter county government, except persons engaged by a de jure municipal corporation, such as the Kentucky Lottery Corporation or the Kentucky Housing Corporation, institutions of higher education, or local governments, whose primary responsibility during sessions of the General Assembly is to lobby. [KRS § 6.611 ].