Life Cycle Cost Analysis Law and Legal Definition
Life-cycle cost analysis means “an evaluation of costs incurred over the life of a project allowing a comparative analysis between or among various alternatives. Life-cycle cost analysis promotes consideration of total cost, including maintenance and operation expenditures. Comprehensive life-cycle cost analysis includes all economic variables essential to the evaluation, including user costs such as delay, safety costs associated with maintenance and rehabilitation projects, agency capital costs, and life-cycle maintenance costs.” [23 CFR 970.104; Title 23-Highways; Chapter I-Federal Highway Administration, Department Of Transportation; Subchapter L-Federal Lands Highways; Part 970-National Park Service Management Systems; Subpart A-Definitions]
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Above the Line Costs (Entertainment Law)
- Absorption Costing
- Abuse in Later Life Program [Department of Justice]
- Accelerated Cost Recovery System
- Accelerated Life Insurance Benefits
- Accounting Cycle
- Acquisition Cost of an Item of Purchased Equipment
- Acquisition Cost of Equipment [Education]
- Activity-Based Costing
- Actuarial Cost Assumptions