Loan Production Office Law and Legal Definition
According to 12 CFR 228.12 [Title 12 -- Banks and Banking; Chapter II -- Federal Reserve System; Subchapter A -- Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Part 228 -- Community Reinvestment (Regulation Bb); Subpart A – General], loan production office means “a staffed facility, other than a branch, that is open to the public and that provides lending-related services, such as loan information and applications.”
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Abuse of Public Office
- Acquisition and Improvement Loan [Veterans' Relief]
- Acquisition Loan [HUD]
- Acquisition, Development and Construction (ADC) Loan
- Adjudicative Officer [Education]
- Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan
- Administering Office
- Administrative Appeals Office [Immigration]
- Administrative Cost of Issuing a Loan Guarantee
- Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts