Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program [LIHEAP] Law and Legal Definition
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a United States federal social services (or welfare) program that assists low-income households in meeting their costs for home energy. The LIHEAP funds may be used for the cost of running energy utilities, low cost weatherization, or other energy-related home repairs.
The mission of the LIHEAP is to assist low income households, particularly those with the lowest incomes that pay a high proportion of household income for home energy, primarily in meeting their immediate home energy needs.
Legal Definition list
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program [LIHEAP]
- Low Income
- Low Idle Speed
- Low and Moderate Income Beneficiary
- Low and Moderate Income Areas
- Low Level Radioactive Waste
- Low Mileage Credit
- Low Population Zone
- Low Specific Activity - LSA - Material [Energy]
- Low Stress Work
- Low-Documentation Operating loan [Agriculture]
Related Legal Terms
- 656 Committee [Energy]
- 8 A Program
- Abandonment Allowance (Oil and Gas)
- Ability One Program
- Abrupt Loss [Energy]
- Abuse in Later Life Program [Department of Justice]
- Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) Program [Education]
- Accelerated Nursing Degree Program
- Access Authorization [Energy]
- Accessible Environment [Energy]