Major Market Extension [Transportation] Law and Legal Definition
According to 49 CFR 1180.3 [Title 49 – Transportation; Subtitle B Other Regulations Relating to Transportation; Chapter X Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation; Subchapter B Rules of Practice; Part 1180 Railroad Acquisition, Control, Merger, Consolidation Project, Trackage Rights, and Lease Procedures; Subpart A General Acquisition Procedures], major market extension is “a transaction which may significantly increase competition by extending service into a new market, expanding service in a currently served market when another carrier concurrently contracts its service to that market as part of the same transaction, or providing significantly more efficient and effective competitive service to a market presently being served. Criteria which can be used to determine if a railroad is proposing to provide a more competitive service to a currently served area include: (1) Creating a shorter route; (2) providing enhanced service capabilities (speed is not the only factor); (3) entering an interchange or market generating more than 5,000 cars per year or 5 percent of applicant's traffic; (4) filing the application as a condition of relief to a pending proceeding; and (5) permitting a carrier to become more competitive (extending its length of haul).”
Legal Definition list
- Major Market Extension [Transportation]
- Major Life Activity
- Major Investee Pool
- Major Illicit Drug Producing Country
- Major Haereditas Venit Unicuique Nostrum A Jure Et Legibus Quam A Parentibus
- Major Medical Insurance
- Major Money Laundering Country
- Major Natural Disaster
- Major Operative Procedure
- Major Party in Presidential Election
- Major Professor or Thesis Advisor
Related Legal Terms
- Above the Market
- Absolute Majority
- Acceptable Quality Level [Agricultural Marketing Service]
- Acceptance [Agricultural Marketing Service]
- Accountable Injury or Illness [Transportation]
- Accrued Market Discount
- Acquisition Assistance [Transportation]
- Administrative Takedown Funds [Transportation]
- Admiralty Extension Act of 1948 [AEA]
- After Hours Market