Major Natural Disaster Law and Legal Definition
According to 36 CFR 78.2 [Title 36.Parks, Forests, And Public Property Chapter I National Park Service, Department Of The Interior Part 78 Waiver Of Federal Agency Responsibilities Under Section 110 Of The National Historic Preservation Act] Major Natural Disaster means “any hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, high water, tidal wave, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, snowstorm, fire, explosion, or other catastrophe, in any part of the United States which, in the determination of a Federal Agency Head, causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude such that an emergency action is necessary to the preservation of human life or property, and that such emergency action would be impeded if the Federal Agency were to concurrently meet its historic preservation responsibilities under section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended”
Legal Definition list
- Major Money Laundering Country
- Major Medical Insurance
- Major Market Extension [Transportation]
- Major Life Activity
- Major Investee Pool
- Major Natural Disaster
- Major Operative Procedure
- Major Party in Presidential Election
- Major Professor or Thesis Advisor
- Major Radioactive Components
- Major Reclamation River Basin