Maximum Extent Practicable [Oil Transportation] Law and Legal Definition
According to 49 CFR 130.5 [Title 49 – Transportation; Subtitle B -- Other Regulations Relating to Transportation; Chapter I -- Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation; Subchapter B -- Oil Transportation; Part 130 -- Oil Spill Prevention and Response Plans], maximum extent practicable means “the limits of available technology and the practical and technical limits on an owner or operator of an onshore facility in planning the response resources required to provide the on-water recovery capability and the shoreline protection and cleanup capability to conduct response activities for a worst-case discharge of oil in adverse weather.”
Legal Definition list
- Maximum Extent Practicable [Oil Transportation]
- Maximum Efficient Rate [MER]
- Maximum Degree Achievable
- Maximum Contaminant Level
- Maximum Average Loss Level [Agriculture]
- Maximum Medical Cure
- Maximum Medical Improvement [MMI]
- Maximum Normal Operating Pressure [Energy]
- Maximum Normal Operating RPM
- Maximum Reasonable Compensation Law
- Maximum Take-off Weight [Aviation Law]
Related Legal Terms
- Abandoned Well (Oil and Gas)
- Abandonment Allowance (Oil and Gas)
- ABC Transaction [Oil & Gas]
- Abnormal Spoilage
- Absolute Ownership (Oil and Gas)
- Accountable Injury or Illness [Transportation]
- Acquisition Assistance [Transportation]
- Adjustment [Oil and Gas]
- Administrative Takedown Funds [Transportation]
- After-Arrival Mandatory Directive [Transportation]