Medical or Dental Group [Banks & Banking] Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 12 USCS § 1749aaa-5 (3) [Title 12. Banks and Banking; Chapter 13. National Housing Mortgage Insurance for Group Practice Facilities and Medical Practice Facilities], the term medical or dental group means “a partnership or other association or group of persons licensed to practice medicine, osteopathy, or surgery in the State, or of persons licensed to practice optometry in the State, or of persons licensed to practice dentistry in the State, or of persons licensed to practice podiatry in the State, or of any combination of such persons, who, as their principal professional activity and as a group responsibility, engage or undertake to engage in the coordinated practice of their profession primarily in one or more group practice facilities, and who (in this connection) share common overhead expenses (if and to the extent such expenses are paid by members of the group), medical and other records, and substantial portions of the equipment and the professional, technical, and administrative staffs, and which partnership or association or group is composed of at least such professional personnel and make available at least such health services as may be provided in regulations prescribed under this title [12 USCS §§ 1749aaa et seq.].”