Militia Act Law and Legal Definition
The Militia Act of 1862 is a law enacted during the American Civil War that allowed African Americans to participate as war laborers and soldiers.
The act empowered the U.S. President to employ persons of African descent in military or naval service. The act expressly provided that black soldiers would be paid significantly less than white soldiers.
According to the Militia Act of 1862, soldiers of African descent were to receive $10 a month with an additional reduction of three dollars for clothing. However, a black soldier's pay would be almost half as much as the white's wage of $13. In 1864, Congress vacated that portion of the Militia Act and granted equal pay for all black soldiers.
Legal Definition list
- Militia
- Military-to-Military Contacts
- Military Unaccompanied Housing
- Military Testamentary Instruments
- Military Service
- Militia Act
- Milk and Milk Products Act of 1947
- Milk Income Loss Contract Program [MILC]
- Millenium Challenge Corporation [MCC]
- Millennium Challenge Act
- Millennium Challenge Corporation [MCC]