Minimum Population Estimate Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 16 USCS § 1362 (27), [Title 16. Conservation; Chapter 31. Marine Mammal Protection; Generally] the term minimum population estimate means “an estimate of the number of animals in a stock that--
(A) is based on the best available scientific information on abundance, incorporating the precision and variability associated with such information; and
(B) provides reasonable assurance that the stock size is equal to or greater than the estimate.”
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Adult Education Population [Education]
- Alternative Minimum Tax
- Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration [Department of State]
- Civilian Institutionalized Population
- Conservation of Healthy Populations of Fish and Wildlife
- Control Estimate
- Essential Experimental Population
- Essential Experimental Population of Fauna
- Estimated City MPG
- Estimated Fair Market Value