Parentally-Placed Private School Children with Disabilities [Education] Law and Legal Definition
According to 34 CFR 300.130 [Title 34 – Education; Subtitle B -- Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education; Chapter III -- Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Department of Education; Part 300 -- Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities; Subpart B -- State Eligibility; Children with Disabilities Enrolled by their Parents in Private Schools], the term parentally-placed private school children with disabilities means “children with disabilities enrolled by their parents in private, including religious, schools or facilities that meet the definition of elementary school in § 300.13 or secondary school in § 300.36, other than children with disabilities covered under §§ 300.145 through 300.147.”
Legal Definition list
- Parentally-Placed Private School Children with Disabilities [Education]
- Parental-Superior-Rights Doctrine
- Parental-Privilege Doctrine
- Parental-Presumption Rule
- Parental-Preference Doctrine
- Parentela
- Parentelic System
- Parenthetical
- Parenting
- Parenting Agreement
- Parenting Classes