Performance Assessment [Energy] Law and Legal Definition
According to 10 CFR 63.2 [ Title 10 – Energy; Chapter I -- Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Part 63 -- Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in a Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada; Subpart A -- General Provisions], the term performance assessment means “an analysis that:
(1) Identifies the features, events, processes (except human intrusion), and sequences of events and processes (except human intrusion) that might affect the Yucca Mountain disposal system and their probabilities of occurring;
(2) Examines the effects of those features, events, processes, and sequences of events and processes upon the performance of the Yucca Mountain disposal system; and
(3) Estimates the dose incurred by the reasonably maximally exposed individual, including the associated uncertainties, as a result of releases caused by all significant features, events, processes, and sequences of events and processes, weighted by their probability of occurrence.”