Person [Patents] Law and Legal Definition
According to 37 CFR 1.27 (a) (1) [Title 37 -- Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights; Chapter I -- United States Patent And Trademark Office, Department Of Commerce; Subchapter A – General; Part 1 -- Rules of Practice in Patent Cases; Subpart A -- General Provisions; Patents; Fees and Payment of Money], the term person means “any inventor or other individual (e.g., an individual to whom an inventor has transferred some rights in the invention) who has not assigned, granted, conveyed, or licensed, and is under no obligation under contract or law to assign, grant, convey, or license, any rights in the invention. An inventor or other individual who has transferred some rights in the invention to one or more parties, or is under an obligation to transfer some rights in the invention to one or more parties, can also qualify for small entity status if all the parties who have had rights in the invention transferred to them also qualify for small entity status either as a person, small business concern, or nonprofit organization under this section.”
According to 37 CFR 102.22 (5) [Title 37 -- Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights; Chapter I -- United States Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Commerce; Subchapter B – Administration; Part 102 -- Disclosure of Government Information; Subpart B -- Privacy Act], the term person means “any human being and also shall include but not be limited to, corporations, associations, partnerships, trustees, receivers, personal representatives, and public or private organizations.”
Legal Definition list
- Person of Interest
- Person Indemnified
- Person Holding a Casino Interest
- Person Entitled to Priority Consideration [Civil Service Regulations]
- Person Entitled to Enforce an Instrument
- Person Related to Security Transaction
- Person With a Severe Disability (Labor)
- Person with Disabilities
- Person With Severe Disabilities
- Persona Designata
- Persona Non Grata
Related Legal Terms
- Absent Person
- Accidental Personal Injury
- Accord Benefit [Patents]
- Accountable Personal Property
- Actio Personalis Moritur Cum Persona
- Action in Personam
- Actus Inceptus Cujus Perfectio Pendet Ex Voluntate Partium Revocari Potest, Si Autem Pendet Ex Voluntate Tertiae Personae, Vel Ex Contingenti, Revocar
- Administrative Instructions [Patents]
- Adverse Personnel Action
- Affidavit [Patents]