Pimps Law and Legal Definition
Pimps are people who procures a prostitute for customers or vice versa, and takes a portion of the profits from the sexual activities. Supposedly he provides protection for the prostitutes, but quite often he will threaten, brutalize, rape, cheat and induce drug addiction of the prostitutes. A pimp is guilty of the crime of pandering. A pimp is someone who brokers the sexual favors of women for profits.
The following is an example of a New Mexico statute dealing with pimps:
Promoting prostitution consists of any person, acting other than as
a prostitute or patron of a prostitute:
- knowingly establishing, owning, maintaining or managing a house of prostitution or a place where prostitution is practiced, encouraged or allowed, or participating in the establishment, ownership, maintenance or management thereof;
- knowingly entering into any lease or rental agreement for any premises which a person partially or wholly owns or controls, knowing that such premises are intended for use as a house of prostitution or as a place where prostitution is practiced, encouraged or allowed;
- knowingly procuring a prostitute for a house of prostitution or for a place where prostitution is practiced, encouraged or allowed;
- knowingly inducing another to become a prostitute;
- knowingly soliciting a patron for a prostitute or for a house of prostitution or for any place where prostitution is practiced, encouraged or allowed;
- knowingly procuring a prostitute for a patron and receiving compensation therefor;
- knowingly procuring transportation for, paying for the transportation of or transporting a person within the state with the intention of promoting that person's engaging in prostitution
- knowingly procuring through promises, threats, duress or fraud any person to come into the state or causing a person to leave the state for the purpose of prostitution ; or
- under pretense of marriage, knowingly detaining a person or taking a person into the state or causing a person to leave the state for the purpose of prostitution .
Whoever commits promoting prostitution is guilty of a fourth degree felony.