Poena Ordinaria Law and Legal Definition
Punishments are of two types. Ordinaria and extraordinaria. Poena ordinaria is ordinary or usual punishments. Punishment provided for certain offences are fixed and certain under law. For ordinaria punishments there are fixed rules. In such cases judges has no discretion, but to award punishment according to law. In certain other cases judges has got discretion in awarding sentence. These are extraordinaria. They are not regulated by any determined rule. An extraordinaria punishment lies entirely in the power and discretion of the judge. The discretion is limited to the extent and duration of punishment and not to the nature.
Legal Definition list
- Poena Non Potest, Culpa Perennis Erit
- Poena Ex Delicto Defuncti, Haeres Teneri Non Debet
- Poena Ad Paucos, Metus Ad Omnes Perveniat
- POD Payee
- POD Designation
- Poena Ordinaria
- Poena Suos Tenere Debet Actores Et Non Alios
- Point Factor Method
- Point of Beginning (Real Property Law)
- Point of Discharge [Public Health]
- Point of Order