Pot Law and Legal Definition
Pot is the slang term for marijuana. Marijuana is an illegal narcotic and is the dried blossom of cannabis sativa and cannabis indica plants. It is the most widely used illegal drug among youth today according to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University. In most of the U.S. states it is illegal to possess, use, or distribute marijuana. However, ten states in the U.S have legalized the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana.
Legal Definition list
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- Actus Inceptus Cujus Perfectio Pendet Ex Voluntate Partium Revocari Potest, Si Autem Pendet Ex Voluntate Tertiae Personae, Vel Ex Contingenti, Revocar
- Anti Nepotism Policies
- Clause Potestative
- Constitutiones Tempore Posteriores Potiores Sunt His Quae Ipas Praecesserunt
- Cum Quod Ago Non Valet Ut Ago, Valeat Quantum Valere Potest
- Dedimus Potestatem
- Dedimus Potestatem de Attornato Faciendo
- Dedimus Potestatum
- Delegata Potestas Non Potest Delegari