Pre-Kindergarten Law and Legal Definition
Pre-kindergarten is also referred to the first formal academic classroom-based learning environment that a child customarily attends in the U.S. It begins around the age of three or four in order to prepare for the academically intensive kindergarten. Pre-kindergartens focus on a child's
1) social development,
2) physical development,
3) emotional development, and
4) cognitive development.
Legal Definition list
- Pre-Issuance Accrued Interest [Internal Revenue]
- Pre-Inspection (Immigration)
- Pre-Hearings[Securities Dispute Resolution]
- Pre-foreclosure Sale
- Pre-existing Supplementary Safety Measure
- Pre-Kindergarten
- Pre-License Application Phase
- Pre-Loss Condition
- Pre-Marital Agreement
- Pre-need Funeral Trust
- Pre-Penalty Notice