Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs [PDMPs] Law and Legal Definition
The Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) are designed to prevent abuse of prescription drugs. The PDMPs monitor the prescription and disbursement of prescription drugs designed as controlled substance by the Drug Enforcement Adminstration (DEA). The program allows physicians and pharmacists to log each filled prescription into a state database to help medical professionals prevent abusers from obtaining prescriptions from multiple doctors. The National Conference of Standards Laboratories (NCSL) works with the Department of Justice to provide legislators with information on Prescription Monitoring Programs and to serve as a point of contact for policy issues surrounding their implementation.
Legal Definition list
- Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs [PDMPs]
- Prescription Drug Marketing Act
- Prescription Drug Establishment
- Prescription Drug [Food and Drugs]
- Prescription [International Law]
- Prescription Fraud
- Prescription of Nonuse
- Prescriptive Easement
- Presence of Defendant Rule
- Presence-of-the-Testator Rule
- Present Covenant
Related Legal Terms
- Abbreviated Drug Application
- Abbreviated New Drug Applications [ANDA]
- Accidental Radiation Occurrence [Food and Drugs]
- Acquisitive Prescription
- Addictive Drug
- Adverse Drug Experience
- AIDS Drug Assistance Programs
- American University Justice Programs Office
- Animal Drug Availability Act
- Animal Drug Product [Food and Drugs]