Principal Federal Official [PFO] Law and Legal Definition
Principal federal official (PFO) means the federal official deputed by the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to act as his/her representative to a restricted area of the body. PFO is to oversee, coordinate, and execute the secretary’s incident management responsibilities under Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 for incidents of national significance. PFO also works towards promoting collaboration and resolving any Federal interagency conflict that may arise.
Legal Definition list
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- Accessorium Non Ducit Sed Sequitur Suum Principale
- Accompanying the Federal Government Outside the United States
- Active Voters [Federal Elections]
- Actuarial Documents [Federal Crop Insurance Corporation]
- Actuarially Appropriate [Federal Crop Insurance Corporation]
- Additional Principal Payment
- Administrative Committee of the Federal Register
- Administrative Governor [Federal Reserve System]
- Advisory Councils of Federal Reserve System
- Agent [Federal Elections]