Project Cost Law and Legal Definition
According to 44 CFR 59.1 (Title 44 - Emergency Management And Assistance; Chapter I - Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department Of Homeland Security; Subchapter B - Insurance And Hazard Mitigation; Part 59 - General Provisions; Subpart A – General), project cost means “the total financial cost of a flood protection system (including design, land acquisition, construction, fees, overhead, and profits), unless the Federal Insurance Administrator determines a given "cost" not to be a part of such project cost.”
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Above the Line Costs (Entertainment Law)
- Absorption Costing
- Accelerated Cost Recovery System
- Acquisition Cost of an Item of Purchased Equipment
- Acquisition Cost of Equipment [Education]
- Activity-Based Costing
- Actuarial Cost Assumptions
- Actuarial Cost Method
- Administrative Cost of Issuing a Loan Guarantee
- Administrative Settlement Costs