Project KidCare Law and Legal Definition
Project Kid Care is a child photo-identification and safety program used nation wide to help in preventing kidnapping, and locating missing children. The project was developed jointly by Polaroid Corporation and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Project KidCare sponsors events during which a child's photograph is taken for free and given to the parents along with an identification booklet in which the parents store the child's picture and vital statistics. The project was developed by Polaroid and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
The Project mainly aims to :
1. Increase awareness about the issue of missing and exploited children.
2. Educate parents and children about the ways they can protect themselves.
Legal Definition list
- Project Formulation Costs [Aeronautics and Space]
- Project for the Elderly or Persons With Disabilities [HUD]
- Project Esquire
- Project Costs [Energy]
- Project Costs [Education]
- Project KidCare
- Project Materials [Education]
- Project Owner
- Project Period [Education]
- Project Period [Energy]
- Project Safe Neighborhoods
Related Legal Terms
- Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Project
- Biomass Energy Project
- Capital Project
- Carpool Project
- Coastal Wetlands Conservation Project
- Coastal Wetlands Restoration Project
- Colorado River Basin Project Act
- Colorado River Storage Project Act
- Condition Affecting the Safety of a Project or Project Works
- Conditional term sheet [Credit Assistance for Surface Transportation Projects]