Proprietary Educational Institution Law and Legal Definition
According to 38 CFR 21.4200 [Title 38 -- Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief; Chapter I -- Department Of Veterans Affairs; Part 21 -- Vocational Rehabilitation And Education; Subpart D -- Administration Of Educational Assistance Programs; Schools], proprietary educational institution (including a proprietary profit or proprietary nonprofit educational institution) means “an educational institution that:
(1) Is not a public educational institution;
(2) Is in a State; and
(3) Is legally authorized to offer a program of education in the State where the educational institution is physically located.”
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- 1862 Institution
- 1890 Institution
- 1994 Institution
- Academic Institution
- Accredited Educational Institution
- Adult Care Institution
- Adult Correctional Institution [Education]
- American Educational Research Association [AERA]
- Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution
- Assisted Institutions