Public Employees Retirement System [PERS] Law and Legal Definition
Public employees’ retirement system provides for retirement benefits to the employees. PERS manages health and pension benefits to the public employees, retirees and their families. Members who are part of this system contribute from the part of their salaries for retirement benefits. PERS provides benefits to all state government employees and, by contract, to local agency and school employees. The benefits provided by PERS include:
1.Death benefits
2.Health benefits
3.Long-term care benefits
4. Disability retirement benefits.
The following is an example of the state statute (California) explaining the purpose of PERS:Cal Gov Code § 21310 states that it is the purpose of the Legislature in enacting this article to provide for the preservation of the purchasing power of benefits under the Public Employees' Retirement Law through a system of adjustments in benefits based on changes in living costs.