Pull-Tabs (Gaming Law) Law and Legal Definition
Pull-Tabs is referred to a type of game played in casinos as part of gambling. In the game, single or banded tickets or cards each with its face covered to conceal one or more numbers or symbols, where one or more card or ticket in each set has been designated in advance as a winner.
Following is an example of a statute of Lousiana [La. R.S. 4:703 (9)] defining the term Pull-tabs.
"Pull-tabs" shall mean "single or banded tickets or cards each with its face covered to conceal one or more numbers or symbols, where one or more cards or tickets in each set have been designated in advance as a winner. The sale of pull-tabs by licensed charitable organizations during authorized sessions pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter shall constitute charitable gaming, and all revenues realized from the sale thereof shall be exempt from state income taxation and from federal income taxation to the extent allowable by the Internal Revenue Code".