Quaere Law and Legal Definition
Quaere means to inquire or query. In legal context, quaere indicates that a person expressing the view that precedes the phrase can not adhere to the hypothesis following it. Generally, the term is used in law textbooks to indicate that a point was dubious or questionable. Quaere is used as a note for suggesting further investigation of a doubtful issue. An issue expounded after the word quaere in a legal judgment, exposes a statement of law or of fact that is doubt, not finally decided, and open to question.
Legal Definition list
- Quaelibet Poena Corporalis, Quamvis Minima, Major Est Qualibet Poena Pecuniaria
- Quaelibet Jurisdictio Cancellos Suos Habet
- Quaelibet Concessio Fortissime Contra Donatorem Interpretanda Est
- Quaeitur
- Quae Contra Rationem Juris Introducta Sunt, Non Debent Trahi In Consequentiam
- Quaere
- Quaestus
- Qualification Questionnaire
- Qualification Requirement
- Qualification Standard [Aeronautics and Space]
- Qualified 501(c) (3) Bonds