Qualified Occupation Therapist Law and Legal Definition
According to 42 CFR 440. 110 [Title 42, Public Health, Chapter IV,Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services, SubChapter C, Medical Assistance Programs, Part 440, Services, General Provisions, Subpart A, Definitions],a qualified occupation therapist is “an individual who is:
1. Registered by the American Occupational Therapy Association; or
2. A graduate of a program in occupational therapy approved by the Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation of the American Medical Association and engaged in the supplemental clinical experience required before registration by the American Occupational Therapy Association”.
Legal Definition list
- Qualified Nuisance
- Qualified Nonprofit Agency for the Blind
- Qualified Nonprofit Agency for Other Severely Handicapped
- Qualified Nonprivate Funds
- Qualified Nonmetropolitan County
- Qualified Occupation Therapist
- Qualified Organization (National and Community Service)
- Qualified Ownership
- Qualified Pandemic or Epidemic Product
- Qualified Parking
- Qualified Person to Withdraw Blood